About the Videos
When the opportunity arises and I have a camera, I take videos of bugs or other things that I see. This page will link the videos that I think might interest those who visit donnayoung.org.
The two photographs below are of the same monarch butterfly hanging on to its chrysalis shortly after emerging.
Nature Videos
The Nature Videos are on various pages, some pages have more than one video. (Unfortunately, most of my bug movies no longer play and the pages have been removed.)
Please remember that pages with videos will load slowly and will use more bandwidth.
The videos require flash player.
Spined Soldier Bug Movies - 2 videos
Monarch Butterfly Emerging - 2 videos
Monarch Butterfly #3 - 4 videos
1st Bug Movie - 1 Animated Gif
Bumblebee Nest - 1 video
Playing Dead, by a False Potato Beetle - 1 video
Two Images from the Spined Soldier Bug Movies
Related (not videos)
Soldier Bug
Blog entry that I have added to DY contains images of the bugs and the eggs that I took
through my microscope. Note: The bugs in 2nd instar stage in the
images at the blog.
Capture Images of a Specimen through a Microscope
This page explains how to take digital photographs of specimens that are on slides through your microscope.