Donna Young's Art Section

Homeschooling Art

The arts refers to performing arts, literary arts, visual arts, and possibly other types of creative expression, but that is just to say that this section of my web site is about visual arts. Like the rest of my website, the parts of this section are linked in the bottom row of the navigation links that are at the top of the pages. I've written a description of the some of the parts further down this page. The art section grows as I have time to work on it. One part that is glaringly unfinished is the grades part that I started in 2009 and have not worked on it since. The Drawing with Children part is about half finished.

The Arts and Other Classes

date blank calendarIt has always been my opinion that the arts should be included with other classes when possible. When I was in high school and taking art classes I would use the same art assignment to fulfill assignments for another class as well as for art class- when the opportunity arose to do so and I am sure that is not the best example that I could have given regarding integrating the arts into other classes. History is the most obvious subject in which to include the arts-- the music of the time, the paintings, sculpture, architecture, and the theater arts. A book that will help you with this is: The Timetables of History By Bernard Grun / Simon & Schuster. Science is another obvious subject to include art, particularly drawing. See also: Printable Nature Journals.

The Art Section

In Drawing

Printable files and assignment suggestions for various aspects of drawing

The two "Drawing 1a" pages has a home page at: Drawing Lessons

Drawing Ia - Lesson FormatDrawing 1a For Ages 9 or 10 and Older

Lessons- 5x a week
33 weeks: 1a
19 weeks: mirror image

Drawing Ia - Lesson Format - Younger ChildrenDrawing 1a For Ages 8 or 9 and Younger

Lesson format:
1a: 9 weeks, 3x a week

Custom Drawing Assignments - Draw This, PleaseCustom Drawing Assignments: Draw This, Please

Choose from several bordered papers, fill in the form with a drawing assignment, "Please, draw this ---", press the "Generate Worksheet" button and save the resulting "art lesson" image for printing.

Also in Drawing


Animals of the World BookletAnimals of the World Booklet

A Booklet for Drawing Animals - Animals of the World is a printable 1/4 sized booklet that has 4 pages for each continent. For each continent, the student should list a few animals on the continent's list page, and at some point, draw at least 3 of the animals.

In Color

Color Theory

Learning About Color

The home page for Learning About Color lists the standards sequence for grades K-6.

Exploring Color Theory

Exploring Color Theory has a list of color theory terms along with illustrations

Also in Color

color sonic

Related to Color Theory

"Made for" Color Theory, is a more accruate way to descibe the following content.


In Crafts

  1. Mother's Day Rose Card
  2. Hand Trace - Macaroni Turkey
  3. Homemade Paper Gift Bag
  4. Folded Star
  5. Snowman Picture
  6. How to Make a Snowflake
  7. Christmas Gift Tags to Decorate- Tags for gifts, Christmas or Otherwise
  8. Calendar Frame
  9. Styrofoam Balls and Buttons Ornament
  10. Beaded Icicle Ornaments
  11. Bear-in-a-Bag Christmas Ornament
  12. Lollipop Tree Ornaments
  13. Pipe-Cleaner Candy Canes Ornament
  14. Sock Doll: Bunny
Related in Handwriting Section - Finger Paint and Play Dough

Newest Content In Art

holly's animals of the world

2009: I have been working for a couple of months to revise the art section at DY and today, I uploaded some of the new pages. Some of the pages are unfinished, but online anyway. Almost every area in the art section is unfinished. Expect to run across typos, misspelled words, or broken links, it takes me a while to get everything right and it will take a while to finish all of the areas in art. Because so much is new, I will post a list of home pages and pages with new printable files. 2011: The art section continues to be an ongoing project.

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About AOP LifePac Electives Art
AOP Electives Art

Donna Young

Donna Young's Calendars

Child's First Color Wheel

Penmanship- writing readiness 2

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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