Drill Sheets for Math

Contents: Easy Drill Sheets | Medium Drill Sheets | Regular Drill Sheets

40 New Math Drill SheetsThe use of drill sheets is optional. I offer them for those who need or want to use them. My children used drill sheets 3 times a week in spurts, not all the time. In addition to using the drill sheets, I allowed my children to look at a multiplication chart when they did their math lessons until they no longer needed them. This helped relieve some stress during math. Sometime during the 5th grade they had learned their multiplication facts by using the multiplication chart and the drill sheets. We also did the occasional out-loud facts drill. This old-fashioned drilling is done simply by all involved people saying the facts out loud together and in an orderly fashion, sing-song or rhythmic, clapping might be fun too.


Easy Math Facts Drill Sheets

These sheets are for the younger crowd and those children who are new to drill sheets. These sheets are far less intimating because there are only 18 questions per sheet. The name of the sheets tells what numbers are used.


pdfSimple Math Facts 1,2,3,4,5
pdfSimple Math Facts 3,4,5,6,7
pdfSimple Math Facts 5,6,7,8,9

These two addition drill sheets are just a bit harder than the ones above These sheets have 40 problems per page in big print.

pdf234567 | pdf234567 Answer
pdf456789 | pdf456789 Answer


Medium Math Facts Drill Sheets

drill sheets for mathMedium Set One

Set one has drill sheet for addition and multiplication. Each file has two pages:
Page 1. The answer sheet/study sheet that has the answers to the problems.
Page 2. The drill sheet that does not have the answers.

There are 20 addition problem files and 20 multiplication problem files.
The first 10 of each has 40 drill problems and the rest have 63 drill problems each.

printable filesThe Files for the Medium Set

Addition Facts

Addition Facts

Addition Facts

Multiplication Facts

Multiplication Facts

Multiplication Facts

Medium Set Two


Regular Math Facts Drill Sheets

The drill sheets below are for the children who are 4/5 grade and up and have used drill sheets before. If the drill sheets below take way too much time (more than 8-10 minutes to begin with) or if they put off your child, then start your child on the easy drill sheets.
*You'll know that your child has mastered these drills when they can do them in less than 3 minutes.
*The answer sheets can be also used as study sheets.
*Until they learn the multiplication facts, let your kids look at a multiplication chart while they do math. It will take some of the their frustration away while they do their math lessons. They will use the chart less over time and eventually they will not need it at all.


A. pdf100 Addition Facts | pdfAnswer Sheet
More 100 addition facts, answers included: pdfA | pdfB | pdfC | pdfD

B. pdf100 Subtraction Facts | pdfAnswer Sheet

C. pdf64 Multiplication Facts 0, 1, 2, 5 | pdfAnswer Sheet
100-multiplication facts practice, answers included: | 0-9: pdfA | pdfB | pdfC | pdfD | 3-12: pdfE | pdfF |
D. pdf42 Multiplication Facts 2, 5, and Squares | pdfAnswer Sheet
E. pdf56 Multiplication Facts 2, 5, 9, and Squares | pdfAnswer Sheet
F. pdf64 Multiplication Facts | pdfAnswer Sheet

G. pdf90 Division Facts | pdfAnswer Sheet

H. pdf40 Fractions to Simplify | pdfAnswer Sheet


division factsDF - 10-15 - 90 Division Facts in Tableau

This file has 6 pages of division facts displayed in a tableau. The answer key is included in the file. Unless I made a mistake, each of the different 90 division facts are on each of the 6 sheets in a different order.

Division Facts in Tableau

Advanced Basics:

I. pdfConvert Percents to Fractions to Decimals (#1) | pdfAnswer Sheet #1
J. pdfConvert Percents to Fractions to Decimals (#2) | Use answer sheet #1
K. pdfConvert Percents to Fractions to Decimals (#3) | pdfAnswer Sheet #2
L. pdfConvert Percents to Fractions to Decimals (#4) | Use answer sheet #2
M. pdfAdding Integers | pdfAnswer Sheet

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