Requires a Subscription

In order to access the files at, one must have a current subscription to either - Basic Subscription or YoungMinds Subscription. YoungMinds includes all of the files. Please do not subscribe to both. Read more below.

Donna Young, September 10, 2015, Updated May 8, 2021

What is the difference between Basic and YoungMinds?

The Differences Between Basic and YoungMinds

  1. Calendars - YoungMinds includes all of the calendars, whereas Basic does not.
  2. PDF files - Basic includes most of Donna's PDF files; YoungMinds offers 1,152 additional PDF files (as of 9/9/15, [this number does not include calendars]).
  3. Doc Files - Basic includes doc files. YoungMinds has more doc files
  4. XLS files & V Planner (spreadsheets) - XLS files (spreadsheets) are included at YoungMinds. Basic will not include XLS or XLSX files (spreadsheets) that were made by Donna Young. Please note that you must have Microsoft Excel on your computer in order to use many of the spreadsheets. This means that some of my spreadsheets are only compatible with Microsoft Excel.

Table Comparing Subscriptions

Both subscriptions allow access for One Year.

Compare Subscriptions
Subscribe Basic
PDF Files Yes, except for YoungMinds content Yes
Spreadsheets & V Planner No Yes
RTF/Doc/DOCX Files Yes, except for YoungMinds content Yes
Calendars Yes, except exclusive calendars Yes
Form Field Items Yes, except for YoungMinds content Yes
YoungMinds Content No Yes
*Refund *No Refund *No Refund

Some files and pages are available only through the YoungMinds subscription.

*Except under certain circumstances, because the subscription gives access to digital files, refunds will not be issued.

importantDonna Young's spreadsheets are not included with the basic subscription. Files such as G&A and other XLS/XLSX files require a current YoungMinds subscription.


members linkquestionHow to access YoungMinds - video Video
Answer - At the top of most pages at is a link named Members. Click on that link and one of two things will happen.

  1. If you are logged in and a subscriber to YoungMinds, then you will land at the home page of YoungMinds.
  2. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in. After logging in, click on the link named YoungMinds Online Website under Active Resources.

questionWill the subscription website include a social network?
Answer - I have no plans to include a social media network.

Donna Young

Clean Calendar

Blank Comic Strips - Draw Your Own Comic Strips!

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