My quilts in a fair Site Index

The site index will always be unfinished as long as I am adding to The thing is remembering to update the site index.

This particular site index will serve as a general index for the larger sections of this website and a detailed index for the smaller sections. The larger sections will be split off into a different index page and they will be linked above in the 3rd row of the menu. So far I have a more detailed site index for Art and the large Homeschool Planner section. Handwriting is quite large and someday, I hope to make a site index for it.
This page updated by Donna Young on April 22, 2012.

  1. Donna Young's Homeschool Printables and Resources - THE Home Page
  2. What's New At (links to more recent "What's New" pages are removed because those pages are broken.
    1. 2014 - What's New at
    2. 2013 - What's New at
    3. 2012 - What's New at
    4. 2011 - What's New at
    5. 2010 - What's New at
    6. 2009 - What's New at
    7. 2008 - What's New at
    8. 2007 - What's New at
  3. Young Minds Homeschool Planner (211 pages, ) This is a List of Basic Topics - better to seePlease See Homeschool Planner Index
      1. Homeschool Planner Guide
      2. Homeschool Planner List Forms
      3. Administrative Homeschool Planner Forms
      4. Homeschool Lesson Plan Forms The forms for planning lessons and the different types. The most versatile planners are Columns.
      5. High School
      6. Extra
      7. Homeschool Planner Sets - Coordinated Homeschool Planners that includes most of the files the a homeschool planner needs. The most complete planner is Garamond. A coordinated homeschool planner that includes household planner files is Colonial Planner.
      8. Donna Young's Homeschool V Planner
    1. Homeschool Help - better to seePlease See Homeschool Planner Index
      1. What is Spelling
      2. What is English
      3. What is Vocabulary
      4. Homeschooling Musts for the Kids
      5. Using Your Encyclopedia to Make Lessons
      6. High School Help
      7. How To Make Lesson Plans for Homeschool
      8. Homeschool Planning Page for Beginners
      9. Scheduling Homeschool
  4. Printable Calendars school calendar with 13 months
    1. Printable School Calendars
      1. Printable School Calendars with 13-Months
      2. Blue Calendars
      3. Clean Calendar with Wide Margins
      4. "Green Calendar" Vertical Months School Calendars
      5. Ruled Calendars
      6. Customizable 13-Month Calendar
    2. Printable Yearly Calendars with 12, 13, 15, and 18 Months
    3. Printable Undated Calendars - Blank Calendars
    4. Printable Event Calendars
    5. Block Calendar: Printable Horizontal Monthly Calendars - Notebook Calendars
    6. Block Calendar: One Page Per Month [Vertical Monthly Calendars]
    7. A Chart of Holiday Dates
    8. Homeschooling: How I Taught My Children About the Calendar
    9. Teaching How Many Days for Each of the Months
  5. Household Printables a fragmentary account
    1. Household Planner Printouts - full size
      1. 2-Page Block Planner
      2. Calendars
      3. Planners For the Home
      4. XLS- Donna Young's Chore Chart Maker
        1. Chore Chart Maker - Master Lists
        2. Chore Chart Maker - Lists-Chore
        3. Chore Chart Maker - Cal-Chore
        4. Chore Chart Maker - Calendar
      5. Planners For the Kitchen
      6. Month on a Page
      7. Personal Calendars
      8. Ruled Weekly with Calendars
      9. Daily Timers
      10. A Fragmentary Account
    2. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" Household Planner - half size
      1. Half-Sized Block Planners
      2. Calendars Covers for Half-Sized Planners
      3. Calendars for Half-Sized Planners
      4. Dated Half-Sized Block Planners
      5. Half-Sized Planners For the Home
      6. Half-Sized Telephone Pages
      7. Half-Sized Block Planners - Journals
      8. Half-Sized Planners For the Kitchen
      9. Half-Sized Planners Ruled
  6. Subjects
    1. Art (97 pages) List of Basic Topics - better to seePlease See Art Index
      1. Homeschool Art Topics by Grade
      2. Exploring Color Theory -DY
      3. Comic Strip Printables
      4. Teaching Drawing in Homeschool -
      5. Story Paper
      6. Art Curriculum and Materials
      7. Art Supplies
      8. Crafts
      9. Finger Paint and Play Dough
    2. History
      1. Timeline Book Instructions
      2. Streams of Civilization Volume One
      3. Streams of Civilization Volume Two
      4. Chicken Mummy
      5. Maps for School Children
      6. Gallery of United States Presidents
      7. Timeline Forms
      8. A Child's History of the World Schedule & Book Suggestions, Early Egyptian Era
        1. A Child's History of the World Schedule, early Rome
        2. A Child's History of the World Schedule, greece
        3. A Child's History of the World Schedule, renaissance
        4. A Child's History of the World Schedule, post renaissance
        5. A Child's History of the World Schedule, middle ages
        6. A Child's History of the World Schedule, modern times
      9. History Through the Ages - Timeline Figures
      10. The Story Of Inventions by CLP
    3. YoungMinds Handwriting Practice Sheets This is a skeleton list (297 pages, 1384 pdf files)animations for handwriting
      1. Choose Handwriting Worksheet Sets by Style
        1. ZB Style - Printable Handwriting Worksheets
        2. ZB Style - Manuscript Handwriting Animations
      2. Printing Readiness
      3. Handwriting Printables for Kindergarten - 1st
      4. Targeted Teaching Manuscript Handwriting Sheets
      5. Manuscript Hand Writing - Letter introduction goes along with the book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
      6. George Washington's Rules of Civility
      7. Cursive Handwriting Practice
      8. General Handwriting Teaching Tips
      9. Handwriting Paper
      10. Handwriting Fonts
    4. Language Arts Pages - better to seePlease See English Index
      1. ABC Order and Dictionary Skills
      2. ABC Order -- Guide Words and the Dictionary
      3. ABC Order -- Sorting Cards
      1. Spelling Topics
        1. Homophones
        2. Spelling Rules
        3. Spelling and Mispronunciation
        4. Commonly Misspelled Words
        5. Words Ending in Y
        6. Words with ie or ei
      2. Make a Word Book
      3. Some Ideas to Study Words
      4. How to Make Outlines for Writing
      5. Research Paper
      6. Grammar
        1. Preposition Bingo
        2. Copy Work and Dictation
        3. Descriptive Adjectives
        4. Limiting Adjectives
        5. Helping Verbs
        6. Irregular Verbs
        7. Linking Verbs
        8. Prepositional Phrase
      7. Dewey Decimal Classification
      8. Bargain Books for Grade School
      9. Classic Dover Bargain Novels for High School
    5. Math Page
      1. Charts for Math
        1. Charts for Math: 100 Numbers
        2. Charts for Math: Addition Charts
        3. Charts for Math: Multiplication Charts
        4. Coordinate Grids for Math
      2. Clocks for Mathclock to make
        1. Clocks for Math - Whole Hour Clock Quiz I
        2. Clocks for Math - Whole Hour Clock Quiz II
      3. Fraction Manipulatives
      4. Learning about Money for Math
        1. Play Money
        2. Count Coins Worksheets for Children
        3. Printable Tags and Coins: Play Store to Learn About Money
        4. Money Quizzes
      5. Printable Paper Designed for Math Problems
        1. Math Paper
        2. Ruled Paper and Charts with Number Lines and just Number Linesnumber line paper
        3. Printable Graph Paper in Several Sizes
        4. Printable Graph Paper in different arrangments and colors
        5. Scale Paper for Household Furniture Arrangements
        6. Charts for Math: Coordinate Grids and Notebook
      6. Math Facts: Triangle Cards, Drill Sheets, etc.
        1. Math Drill Sheets
        2. Blue Triangular Math Facts Cards
        3. Black Triangular Math Facts Cards
        4. Addition & Subtraction Upright Triangular Flash Cards
        5. Rectangular Math Facts Cards
      7. Kindergarten
        1. Kindergarten Math: Count the Shapes
        2. Kindergarten Math: Count the Shapes
      8. Unit Multipliers
    6. Science Printouts and Help for Homeschoolers
      1. Lab Sheets
      2. Nature Journal
      3. Homeschooling Science - Grades 4, 5, 6
      4. Science - Outline
      5. Science Art
      6. Lunar Eclipse
    7. Apologia Science
      1. Apologia General Science
      2. Apologia Physical Science
      3. Apologia Science ~Biology 1
      4. Exploring Creation With Chemistry
      5. Co-op Schedules for Apologia Science
  7. YoungMinds Printables and Resources CD-ROM
  8. FAQS About This page is not updated much at all, very little here.

9mm Filler Paper with Images

9mm Filler Paper with ImagesThe printable filler paper on this page feature a rule height of approximately 9mm. The rule is blue with pink margin lines and the outside margin line is olive. All but one file feature a small image at the top of the page. Each paper has a header that reads: by: and date:

Comic - Classic Layouts

Comic - Classic LayoutsI have added 3 classic layouts - 4-Panel, 6-Panel, and 9-Panel. The gutters measure 1/4", the border should be around 1/2", and the panels on each page are the same size. Printed results could vary slightly from mine.

Half-Size URL Directory

Half-Size URL DirectoryHalf-Size URL Directory - I needed a new URL Directory, so I made one. With the printout, you can record the login info for your favorite URL's or just the important ones.

Donna Young

Teach the Calendar

color sonic

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