Printable Graph Paper has graph paper. I will name the graph paper based on the number of squares in width and length, except for the tiny graph paper. If I have other details such as approximate square size, that will be made known to you but please keep in mind that your printed results might not be exactly the same.

The Graph Paper Menu

  1. Set One - Basic Graph Papers
  2. Set Two - Graph papers with a darker line at either the 5th or the 10th cell
  3. Set Three - Graph papers marked at the 3rd cell - Includes a Square Foot Garden Plotted Graph
  4. Set Four - Centimeter Graph Paper - in 3 styles, each with 3 variations
  5. The Grid Note - List This is a generator. It will render your list on graph paper. What is This?

Graph Paper, Set One

graph paper

I recently inspected this set of graph paper files, printed them, and measured them. The sizes I have listed are approximate and based on two printer settings - "None" and "Fit to Paper".

Basic information: The files in this set are black and white. This set can be printed in the low quality mode of draft, even the lowest setting of draft on my printer worked. All of the papers shown in the image above were printed in the lowest quality setting of draft. If you do not set to draft, expect the lines to be black and possibly too dark.

FTP stands for Fit to Paper

The Files for the First Set Of Graph Paper

graph paper 10x14pdf10x14
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 3/4 inch
FTP: 11/16 inch

graph paper 20x26pdf20x26
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 3/8 inch
FTP: 9mm

graph paper 30x40pdf30x40
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 1/4 inch
FTP: 6mm

graph paper 36x48pdf36x48
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 7/16 inch, FTP: 5mm

graph paper 45x60pdf45x60
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 1/6th of an inch,
FTP: 4mm

graph paper tinypdfTiny
Approximate Square Size
Printer settings: None: 11 squares < 1 inch or 13 sq = 3cm
FTP: 23 squares = 5 cm

Graph Paper, Set Two

Note: Draft mode is not recommended for Set 2. The setting "fit to paper" is optional.
graph Paper BW Set Two
Graph papers in set two have these features

  1. 3-colors - White, Gray, Black
  2. Graph lines are gray and the marking lines are black
  3. Marking graph lines occur at either every 5 squares or every 10 squares

The Files

Marked at 10th Square
40 x 60
50 x 70
Wide Margin
30 x 60 Right Margin
30 x 60 Left Margin

Graph Paper, Set Three

Note: Draft mode is not recommended for Set 3. The setting "fit to paper" is optional.

graph Paper BW Set Two

Graph papers in set two have these features

  1. 3-colors - White, Gray, Black
  2. Graph lines are gray and the darker lines are black
  3. Darker graph lines occur at every 3 squares

The Files

The sizes, the first set of numbers tell how many squares wide by squares long.
The sizes in parenthesis tell how many groups of 3 wide by groups of 3 long.

Centimeter Graph Paper, Set Four

Note: Draft mode is not recommended for Set 4. The setting "fit to paper" might throw off the finished size of the cells and the setting is optional.

Three styles of the centimeter graph paper are shown in the image below.

  1. Centimeter Graph Paper
  2. Divided Centimeter Graph Paper with mm tic-marks - The centimeter cell is divided and the dividing line, which is at the 5mm mark, has mm hatch marks. The hatch marks are called Tic-Marks in the image
  3. Centimeter Graph Paper with mm lines - Centimeter graph paper that is divided with light gray millimeter lines. This paper has a light gray appearance when printed, see image below.

Centimeter Graph Paper

Furthermore, each style of centimeter graph paper has one of these features -

  1. No Numbers
  2. Numbered Lines (numbered lines are pictured in the image above)
  3. Numbered Cells

All styles feature a black line at the 5th centimeter in each direction. Each centimeter graph paper in this group has a 17cm x 24cm grid.

The Centimeter Graph Paper Files

Centimeter Graph Paper

Divided Centimeter Graph Paper with mm tic-marks

Centimeter Graph Paper with mm lines

Gradated Graph Papers

The Gradated Graph Paper (below) - I named the two graph papers gradated because the lines fade toward the intersections. I thought that it would be nice to have a graph paper with pale intersections. After test printing the files, I noticed that the pale intersections created an optional illusion of white diagonal lines.

The Two Gradated Graph Papers

I call these gradated because when I made them (there're only two) I faded the lines in the intersections. As a graph paper user, I really liked the effect, so here we are.
The squares are sized. True sized graphs are a bit difficult to achieve in the first place, and then .. the size of the squares could be thrown off by printer settings. So - while the graph papers say "quarter-inch" and "centimeter" that will only mean that they are close to those sizes.

Three More and These Include DOC and DOCX Files

importantDOC files will not always produce perfect squares.


Updated May 19, 2015 - DY

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