Math Number Line Paper

Number lines are used by children who are learning about integers.
Intergers are: {...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}

We didn't make great use of this sort of paper except during the time that the children needed number lines in front of them. Sometimes I printed the paper for their lessons and sometimes I printed and cut out a few number lines [or drew them] and handed the number lines to the children to use.

Donna Young, August 30, 2009


Sometimes You Just Need Some Number Lines numbers under

I am providing a sheet of just number lines and I have made them with the numbers either under or over the line. The paper will have 13 number lines.

number linesNumbers OVER
pdf13 Number Lines


number linesNumbers UNDER as shown in image on the right.
pdf13 Number Lines

doc11 Number Lines
doc13 Number Lines - Under
doc13 Number Lines - Over


dy's color paperA Nice Blue & Pink Paper With The Under/Over Number Line

pdfColor Ruled , 0.3", with 2 Number Lines

and without number lines

pdfColor Ruled , 0.3", Without Number Lines

docColor Ruled Number Line Paper

My older color ruled paper is below.


number line

number line graphGraph Paper with Number Lines

The number tells how many squares wide.
10 Grid | 20 Grid | 36 Grid


Number Line paper that feature blocks

The number tells how many blocks.
10 Problems | 12 Problems


Number Paper with Ruled Blocks Version IIblocks

pdfNumber Line - 14 Ruled Blocks
docNumber Line - 14 Ruled Blocks
pdfNumber Line - 16 Ruled Blocks
docNumber Line - 16 Ruled Blocks<


School Paper Ruled (color) with 2 Number Lines

color ruledThe Color Ruled Paper with Various Number Lines
The difference between the files are the numbers on the number lines. The file description tells what you are getting.
importantThese files require the printer setting of "Fit to Printable area." [see image below]

pdf -11 to 11
pdf-9 to 13 and -13 to 9
pdf-7 to 15 and -15 to 7
pdf-5 to 17 and -17 to 5
pdf-3 to 19 and -19 to 3

fit to Printable area

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Salt Dough Recipe

Donna Young

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