Lists, Objectives, & Suggestions by Grades
There is a lot of overlap in art. Students start out by learning about the simplest tools through play or directed study, then each year, new concepts are added while old ones are expanded. Throughout all grades, students should be exposed to art from all eras of history, including the performing arts, and they should learn about the artists who created the works.
Disclaimer: These lists are suggestions and not meant to represent a fully fleshed out scope and sequence. For the record, I do not have a degree in education. If you choose to utilize the lists on the pages linked above into your educational endeavors, you do so knowing that I do not have a degree in education.
Grades: the Work in Progress
As of today, NONE of the pages are finished, but some have enough content to publish.
[June 1, 2009, DY]
The rest ...
- 2nd grade - started
- 3rd grade through 8th grade - not started
- High School - started, Meanwhile see beginnings of a high school drawing class
Cross Curricular
Listed below are a few ideas of many possibilities.
History: In each time era of history that your child studies, include the music, architecture, and visual arts from the era.
Science: When the anatomy of anything is studied, mammal, insects, plants, etc. have your child draw and label each specimen.
Language Arts: Calligraphy and poetry can be combined. Stories can be illustrated with drawings. Lettering and/or screen printing on a tee-shirt can communicate a thought.