New at DY in 2009
How to Make a Six-Sided Snowflake
Follow my lengthy image-rich instructions to discover the meticulous method of creating a six-sided winter wonderland for your own home!
December 18, 2009 | How to Make a Snowflake »
Color Handwriting Printables
Color-Rule and Yellow Stripe Handwriting Paper
The newest addition to the penmanship section of DY is a set of yellow striped printable handwriting papers and blue and pink ruled handwriting papers.
November 7, 2009 | Color Handwriting Printables »
Exploring Creation with Physical Science 2nd Edition Vocabulary
Sherri Piechnik of British Columbia Canada has provided to us vocabulary for the edition 2 book. [Thank you Sherri]. I added the printable vocabulary files and updated the bookmarks with the vocabulary. They are listed with the other 2nd edition resources. [linked below]
November 9, 2009 | Exploring Creation With Physical Science »
CD-Rom Planner for Exploring Creation with General Science
A CD-ROM schedule provide by Tammy Gisel. [Thank you Tammy]
October 13, 2009 | CD-Rom Planner »
Drawing with Children, Lesson Two
I have written a review, or overview, and a possible schedule for Lesson Two Drawing from Graphics from the book, Drawing With Children. At first I thought this chapter was going to be difficult to plan, but it's not - once a person really understands what this chapter is about.
September 23, 2009 | Overview » | Lesson »
2010 Half-Sized Dated Block Planner
The dated 2010 Half-Sized Block Planner refills are ready and uploaded. These files are designed to be printed on a regular sized printer paper, then cut in half.
For notebooks that use 5.5" x 8.5" filler.
September 18, 2009 | Dated Half-Sized Block Planners »
Number Line
The Math section is changed a bit. This is one of the new pages, Number Line Paper. You will find some new number line papers to print as well as a page full of number lines.
August 31, 2009 | Number Line Paper »
Daily Schedule Lesson Planners
Daily Planners is a new page at There are two daily planner styles, a Lesson Plan Timer and a Daily Lesson Planner.
August 28, 2009 | Daily Schedule Lesson Planners »
Homeschool Journals
In Journals, I have added 4 pages and several new files.
Some of the files have borders and some are decorated, some are brand new and some you have seen before.
Some of the files are also in DOC format and a few are in openoffice format.
August 25, 2009 | Journals »
12-16 Lab WU
12-16 Lab Wu is a flexible XLS grade keeper that includes a version of my composition grader, Lab WU [Lab Write-Up]. 12-16 is designed for co-op lab science classes that have 12 students or less and are using a plan based on 16 sections of work, such as 16 chapters, or in the case of Apologia science, 16 modules. 12-16 averages grades in quarters and semesters and yields a final grade for the year.
August 18, 2009 | 12-16 Lab WU »
Handwriting Paper and Filler Paper
Without talk, here are the links
- Paper With Handwriting Rule
- History Themes Handwriting Paper
- Whimsical Themes Handwriting Paper
- Paper with Filler Lines
- Animal Themes Filler Paper
- History Themes Filler Paper
- Literature Themes Filler Paper
- Miscellaneous Themes Filler Paper
- Horizontal Filler
- Booklets
- Outer Edges, 5.5 x 8.5 Booklets
- 5.5 x 8.5 Folded Booklet
July 31, 2009
Dictionary Skills
Without fancy images or talk, here are the links- Lessons in Alphabetizing Words Revised or new
- Sorting Cards for Alphabetizing Words New cards
- Guidewords and the Dictionary Revised
July 29, 2009
Game Making Resources
Most of these files are on the site-cd and today I have added them to There are bingo cards, blank game cards in various sizes, game card backs, and game board templates.
July 27, 2009 | Games Home Page »
DY's Grades and Attendance
The G&A XLS files at "48" and "Points" have an additional choice. 48 has a 14-subject file and Points has a 16-subject file. Above and below is a link to the G&A home page.
July 6, 2009 | DY's G&A »
XLS 10
The XLS 10-Subject Grader has been on the site-cd for a while, and over the weekend I reviewed and altered the file and added it to XLS 10-Subject Grader is spreadsheet file that has the capacity for 10 subjects and calculates unweighted grade averages.
June 29, 2009 | XLS 10-Subject Grader »
By Columns
Before today, there were only 12 planners from this set online and now there are thirty-something plus the columned ruled paper. Because there are so many files, I spread them out over several pages. The By Columns page is now the home page for this style.
June 24, 2009 | Lesson Planners by Columns »
Printing Readiness 2
This is a collection of drawings that you may print. Counting Mr. Stripes, there are 23 files in the set. A completion certificate is also included as well as a doc format of the printing readiness 1 certificate.
June 22, 2009 | Printing Readiness 2 »
DY's Cursive Animations
I decided it was time to finish the online set of cursive animations. Over the last 2 1/2 days I finished the remaining 41 files and pages.
June 19, 2009 | Cursive Animations »
Art Section
A few days ago, I uploaded a lot of new pages to the art section. I have been meaning to announce each one, but I am too busy to do that. There is a list of some of the new pages on the Art Section Home Page.
June 15, 2009 | Art »
The Math section received additional pages today. The math menu is changed because of the extra pages. No one minds big changes do they. Some of the new pages were previously on YoungMinds only, the site-cd. The links to the new menu pages are:
Learning about Money for Math
Math Facts: Triangle Cards, Drill Sheets, etc.
The page linked below has completely new worksheets. They are unusually colorful.
May 22, 2009 | Kindergarten Math: Count the Shapes »
Art: Drawing Ia, Line and Position, Younger Children
It has been a while since I added anything to art. Today I have added drawing blocks in the style of the Drawing Ia worksheets for younger children. I also added back to drawing Ia the old format of the first worksheets.
May 21, 2009 | Art: Drawing Ia, Line and Position, Younger Children »
Trace and Write: Shapes
The newest addition to the penmanship section of DY is a small set called "Shapes". The set is available in two different handwriting styles. It is designed for children learning the shapes: circle, oval, square, triangle, and rectangle. A matching blank worksheet is also available that could be used for drawing and handwriting practice.
May 18, 2009 | Trace and Write: Shapes »
Colonial Planner
The Colonial Planner has forms for household, homeschool, journals, and calendars.
May 11, 2009 | Colonial Planner »
13-Month Calendar Generator
Designed for homeschoolers who school from mid-month to mid-month year-round. With the generator, you may type the header, choose the starting month and starting year.
Generator programmed by John Young.
May 6, 2009 | 13-Month Calendar Generator »
Cursive Handwriting Lessons
The cursive handwriting worksheets on this web page use a handwriting style that is similar to D'Nealian, however there are some Zaner-Bloser elements in some of the worksheets. There are 28 worksheets with 4 short lessons per worksheet. A writing animation accompanies a few of the lessons.
April 13, 2009 | Cursive D »
Connecting Cursive Capitals
Connecting Cursive Capitals is a series of cursive handwriting lessons that practice altered and non-altered cursive capital letters to connect the capital letter with a following lowercase letter. There are 3 worksheets (6 lessons ) so far. I will work on these and upload them over time. Update, 4/4/9: I've added 5 more files.
April 2, 2009 | Connecting Cursive Capitals »
Kindergarten Diploma
I spent a bit of time on a new kindergarten diploma. This one is a serious looking file and it's typeable. If you need a kindergarten diploma, read more about the file at the new certificate page.
April 2, 2009 | Certificates »
HSF Archives
July 2003, I opened a homeschool board at Despite the existence of multitudes of home-ed forums all across the internet, I started the board because it seemed like a good idea to provide the service. Unfortunately, the longer I had the board, the more time it required to maintain. Due to growing time restraints and not having enough time to work on, I closed the board about 4 years later. Now, 2 years later, I am finally archiving the discussion threads at HSF Archives. Read more at About
April 2, 2009 | HSF Archives »
Alexia Planner
This is just another planner option. I remade the Alexia Planner files from images to preserve the font that I use for this planner. There are only nine files for this planner and I am not sure if I will make more. This won't be the last planner that I add this year, two more are on my list.
February 22, 2009 | Alexia Planner »
Perpetua Planner
In Household I have added the Perpetua Planner. Perpetua planner is a small household planner set that uses the perpetua font. The planner has PDF files for phone numbers, 18-month calendars, an undated block planner, and birthdays and anniversaries. I also added two new DOC files - a phone register file and a journal file.
February 18, 2009 | Perpetua Planner »
In Homeschool Forms I have added the Papyrus Planner. Papyrus planner has both homeschooling and household forms. The planner uses the papyrus font.
February 16, 2009 | Papyrus Planner »
Bug Movie
The bug movies are online again. The movies are short and made from compiled images. One shows bugs hatching from their eggs and the other movie shows the first instar stage. The movies will remain online until the last of April.
February 05, 2009 | Bug Movie »
Writing Strands
Two days ago I looked through my son's writing book and was moved to ramble a review. I wrote a short bit about the writing curriculum that we used during our first three years of homeschooling, Writing Strands.
January 22, 2009 | Writing Strands »
Handwriting Fonts
Several times a year, I am asked font related questions. Today, I decided to post information on six different handwriting fonts. The pages are located in the penmanship section of and the starting page is linked below. The web pages offer basic information on the fonts and where to get the fonts.
January 15, 2009 | Handwriting Fonts »
Snowman Planner
The snowman planner has been around for a while, I made it many years ago and it resides on the Site-CD. The planner is only 3 files, 2 weeklies and 1 quarterly. It features a snowman instead of a check box. The planner is now available online in Homeschooler Planner > Sets
January 14, 2009 | Snowman Planner »
Nature Journal
Photographs of one of our half-sized nature journals. Some of the pages tell how to do certain aspects of the journal, such as specimen pages and organizing the pages. Some of the pages do not have anything informative and are there just for demonstration. Most of the files used to make this journal are available and linked if available.
January 3, 2009 | Nature Journal »
Monthly Calendar
Sometimes I listen. This type of calendar was requested. It is a monthly calendar, one month on one page and it is vertical (portrait). If you have the late '05 or newer site-cd, a version of this calendar exists in xls format on the page: [\cd-dyorg\calendars\blank\index.htm]
The calendar is in DOC and PDF formats.
January 1, 2009 | Monthly Calendars »