12-16 Lab WU
12-16 Lab Wu is a flexible XLS grade keeper that includes a version of my composition grader, Lab WU [Lab Write-Up]. 12-16 is designed for co-op classes that have 12 students or less and are using a plan based on 16 sections of work, such as 16 chapters, or in the case of Apologia science, 16 modules. 12-16 averages grades in quarters and semesters and yields a final grade for the year.
File Updated
September 11, 2010
To protect sheets that should have been protected and to add a copy of the sample Lab WU data
..: Donna Young :..
12-16 weighs grades with percentages that you choose. Each chapter can be different. There are spaces in each chapter where points may be added to the grade. Each quarter has a space for an optional weighted assignment, such as a special project or it can be used for a quarterly test.
[Read-Only] means that the file is being viewed from your temporary folder. Use "Save as" and save the file if you want to use it.
12-16 should be easy to use, but to better understand 12-16 and to see its features, please view the help files for 12-16.
Lab WU is a bit more complex and has its own help files.
12-16 Lab WU requires a spreadsheet program. I made 12-16 Lab WU with Microsoft Excel and the file has not yet been tested on any other spreadsheet program.
Related co-op grading items: Helpful Grading Note Forms at Michelle Goodrich's Blog
12-16 Lab WU Terms Of Use
You may use 12-16 Lab WU if you agree to the following:
1. You may use 12-16 Lab WU for your co-op class, for your home-ed classes, or/and church classes.
2. You will not remove the DY worksheet or any links to donnayoung.org or Donna Young's name from 12-16 Lab WU.
3. You will not share or distribute 12-16 Lab WU or upload to any type of web site. An exception to this is the necessary sharing of one 12-16 Lab WU file between co-op teachers that teach the same class. In this case, the file may be emailed between teachers of the same class.
4. If 12-16 Lab WU has been a useful tool, share the link to 12-16 Lab WU.
This is what you see when you first open 12-16 Lab WU after downloading it from donnayoung.org.
This is the INFO tab and this is where you will enter the : Class Name, the Year, and the Student's Names.