Donna Young's 2nd Edition Planner

Apologia published the second edition of Exploring Creation With General Science in 2008. I do not have this book, so I cannot make lesson plans for it, however, I can make a planner for the book based on its table of contents. On this page, you may print the Schedule Planner, the table of contents and a supply list. The files are linked below.

Exploring Creation With General Science schedule planner by The schedule planner for Apologia's Exploring Creation With General Science is a three-column layout. The left column contains a checklist and each block in that column can indicate a day or, in the case of study days, two days. The middle column is for notes. The third column is unlabeled and can be used for grades if you choose. The last few pages of the file contains the lab supply lists.

This Exploring Creation with General Science Planner is available in both DOC and PDF.
If you are using the CD-ROM, Tammy Gisel has tweaked the planner for the CD-ROM. It is linked below.

donna youngs awesome printable files - you're welcomeFiles for Exploring Creation With General Science 2nd Edition

text fileText
a document, typically a DOC, microsoft wordDOC
Zip fileZIP

Table of Contents (TOC) & Supply List 

table of contents in pdf fileTOC & Supply | Zip filea document, typically a DOC, microsoft wordCompressed DOC TOC & Supply | table of contents in text fileSupply Only | table of contents in text fileTOC only

Schedule Planner: Exploring Creation With General Science

My Schedule Planner for the second edition book is linked below in two formats. PDF or DOC.

PDF fileSchedule Planner, 2nd Edition | Zip fileDOCCompressed DOC Schedule Planner, 2nd Edition

Before you inquire about bookmarks, if bookmarks are not listed on this page, I do not have them. The first edition bookmarks will not work for the second edition because the page numbers will be off.

CD-ROM Planner

Exploring Creation with General Science CD-ROM schedule.
Choose either DOC or PDF. DOCDOC | PDFPDF

CD-ROM Planner Provided by Tammy Gisel
Tammy used a Lapbook published by Knowledge Box Central and included references to the lapbook in the schedule. They are noted as "LB". If you are not using the lapbook, skip those parts.

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Donna Young

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