Whimsical Themes

There is no telling what will end up on this page. The themes represented here are meant solely to tweak your children's imagination and encourage them to write. The handwriting rules will vary and some files might be available with and without handwriting rule.

Oval Handwriting Rule

Oval paper I had an idea today and this paper is the result. I hope this whimsical style encourages writing and drawing.

Oval Handwriting Rule

The rule is approximately 1/4 inch, but it seems larger because the top is open.

September 23, 2013, Donna Young

Bowl Handwriting Rule

Oval paper After making the Oval rule above, I decided to make one more. This one is "Bowl."

Bowl Handwriting Rule

The rule is approximately 1/4 inch, but it seems larger because the top is open.

September 23, 2013, Donna Young

Treasure Map - Large Ruled

I made this for Michelle, one of my online friends, a few years ago.

Treasure Map Ruled

Not Ruled
The file is CROPPED. That means you have choices. In Page Scale under Page Handling, which should show up when you press the Print button, choose NONE to print the image small. To print it larger, choose FIT TO PRINTABLE AREA.
seeSee Print Help Images Below

seePrint Help  

When printing [horizontal] landscape oriented files, make certain that Auto Rotate and Center is checked.

Page Scaling: None

Before deciding on NONE, look at the representative image and the file size. The treasure map, set at None + Auto Rotate and Center, prints approximately 9.8 x 6.6. If that size is good, then print.
If you want the file to print even smaller, select Fit to Printable Area and uncheck Auto Rotate and Center.


Fit to Printable Area

If you want the file to print as large as possible, choose Fit to Printable Area + Auto Rotate and Center. Note: The settings that you choose will stick for the next printing job, so be sure to review them each time.



More Handwriting Paper

Most of the handwriting lesson sets at donnayoung.org have handwriting paper to match the set. Linked below are the pages with the lessons and the handwriting file.

All files on this page are PDF PDF

Printing Readiness
Readiness Blank

Beginning Manuscript Handwriting
Beginning Blank Paper-Huge Horizontal

Targeted Manuscript Teaching
Targeted Blank Paper-Huge Vertical

133 Manuscript Handwriting Lessons
Manuscript Blank Paper-Large Horizontal

Small Print Pre-Cursive
Four Lesson Paper (hands do get tired)
Two Lesson Paper
Typeable PDF Four Lesson Paper You can type one line per lesson group on this pdf form.

Cursive Handwriting
Gray Tones - 2 Lessons
Color - Two Lessons

Donna Young

Welcome to DonnaYoung.org!

Ruled 3-Month Calendar

Donna Young

3 Year Calendar on One Sheet of paper

Draw by Sighting

handwriting lessons

You are at DonnaYoung.org, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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