Lesson Plans , Bookmarks & Vocabulary

From this web page you may print lesson plans, bookmarks, and the vocabulary for the book, Exploring Creation with Physical Science for both editions one and two.

Because edition one is not longer sold in stores, the first set of lesson plans are for edition two. While I made the lesson plans for both editions, I do not have the edition two book. Donna May looked over the edition 2 plans and sent corrections to me. You can read more about that below. The corrected lesson plans for edition two are below.

On This Page

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Edition 2: Lesson Plan and Bookmarks
Edition 1: Updated Lesson Plan and Bookmarks
Edition 1: older Lesson Plan and Bookmarks

at donnayoung.orgRelated

Lab Sheets
Co-op Schedules

Another home schooler, Sherri Piechnik looked over the vocabulary and sent an updated version for edition two. From Sherri's vocabulary list, I made bookmarks for the edition two book. And so with the help of Donna May and Sherri Piechnik, we have lesson plans and bookmarks for edition two.

Later someone wrote me and asked about a grade record form for Exploring Creation with Physical Science. A table for grade records were already on each lesson plan page, and now there is a separate grade record table below. The grade record does not include spaces for the additional tests that are included with edition two. Since it is offered in word format, you can alter the grade record if necessary for edition two.

336402: Exploring Creation with Physical Science, Second Edition--2 Volumes Exploring Creation with Physical Science Lesson Plans, Edition 2

by Donna Young about this schedule
Thank you for your help, Donna May

Edition Two Lesson Plan

docWord format (245 KB)| pdfPDF format
Files Included with Basic or YoungMinds Subscription or Purchase

Checklists: pdfTopics and Lab Supply Lists
Files Included with Basic or YoungMinds Subscription or Purchase

docEd. 2 Vocabulary | pdfEd. 2 Vocabulary
Edition 2 Vocabulary provided by Sherri Piechnik of British Columbia Canada

Bookmarks for Edition Two
Updated with Edition 2 Vocabulary

pdfModules: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-13 | 14-16 - Basic Subscription or Purchase

Notes: Bookmarks contain vocabulary and schedule.
Module 11 is on the lower part of Module 10 bookmark

Table of Contents - Based on Edition 2

Table of Contents - Based on Edition 2

pdfTable of Contents
docTable of Contents

Grade Record for Exploring Creation with Physical Science

grade sheet for exploring creation with physical science

I was working on this web page today and decided to make a grade sheet for this book. After making it, I realized that there are other tests in the new books. I did not allow a place for those and I do not know where they would go. When I find out, I might upload a corrected sheet. For now, here is a grade form in doc format. It allows you to keep grade records for labs and tests on one sheet of paper instead on the lesson plans. If you need something a lot better than this and if you have a spreadsheet program, download the 12-16 LabWU. Even though 12-16 is designed for 12 students, it is okay to use with just one student.

docGrade Sheet - Labs and Module Tests Only

. . . . Printer-Friendly Lesson Plans for Edition ONE . . . .

Exploring Creation with Physical Science was the first book that we used from this series of books written by Dr. Jay Wile. My first set of lesson plans for the class, the ones that we used, are below in a not very printer friendly HTML format. The updated version of the original plans, linked below, are printer friendly and, while they are edited, they contain most of my comments from the original lesson plans. As we went through the book, I made fewer and fewer comments because I always seemed to get busier as the school year moved on.

printExploring Creation with Physical Science Lesson Plans, Edition 1

by Donna Young, with notes

Updated, Edition One Lesson Plans, Printable Version
docWord format (206 KB)| pdfPDF format

Updated Bookmarks for Edition One
pdfModules: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-13 | 14-16
(Note: Bookmarks contain vocabulary and schedule)

Vocabulary (Print version available from vocabulary page)

. . . . Original Lesson Plans for Edition ONE . . . .

Older Lesson Plan ed. 1, HTML format (not printer friendly)
Modules: #1, #2, | #3, #4 | #5, #6, | #7, #8 | #9, #10, #11, #12 | #13, #14, #15, #16

Older Bookmarks
pdfModules: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-13 | 14-16

All the vocabulary (Print version available from vocabulary page)

(Note: I did not make many changes to the old schedule. The older lesson plans are just as good as the updated lesson plans; the updated lesson plans are printer friendly.)

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About the Lesson Plan for Edition Two

I do not have the edition 2 book and I was told that it is not very different from edition one. I compared the contents and lab lists and found that it was true, the editions are very similar.

(Aug 29, 2007) Donna May has looked over this schedule and made page number and figure number corrections. Donna also generously contributes her co-op schedules for Apologia books. Thank you Donna May! :-)

This schedule is a complete overhaul of edition one. Most of the labs are scheduled on a day by themselves. That means the day before or after, the student will read beyond the lab but not do the lab. The main reason I did this is because the experiments and lab write-ups can be very time consuming and those items deserve time because they are an important part of the class.

I hope this schedule works well for you.

Back to edition two schedule

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