Experiment 9.1, Eggs

My son used Exploring Creation with Physical Science during the year 2000-2001. The images on this page show what we did with experiment 9.1. If you want to read more about experiment 9.1, please see Michelle's blog [online]. She is blogging about her co-op class.

Experiment 9.1

First we did the experiment like we were supposed to and it was successful as you can see by the egg image below.

experiment 9.1

After that the kids built some Lego vehicles for the eggs.

Lego Vehicles to Carry the Eggs

experiment 9.1 with legos

We even have Darth Vader as a driver and our ever present cat was ever present as usual during the whole time.

Testing the Vehicles

experiment 9.1 with legos

The vehicles protected the eggs. The eggs had a better chance of survival while traveling in the vehicles rather than out of the vehicles.


Donna Young
February 16th, 2008

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