DY's Homeschool Portfolio Planner

In several states, homeschoolers must keep a portfolio and be evaluated by an evaluator. I recommend that you become familiar with your state laws regarding homeschooling, portfolios, what is required, and what is not required. Join a local support group so that you can ask questions from local experienced homeschoolers. They can also help you find an evaluator.

I've put together some forms that may be helpful. Depending on your record keeping style, use either the Class Schedule, Weekly Log, or the Daily Log. You do not have to use all three unless you just want to.

Color Code Your KidsGet a large 3-ring binder or a file box for each of your children and keep their schedules and work organized. Use tab dividers for each of their subjects. Place a few photo-album pages in their notebook or file box to hold any photos that you take of projects, field trips, etc.

Either plan their schedule or record what they read and do on a daily basis. If you preplan, just write page numbers and other relevant information in the blocks on a lesson planner. See the How To Make Lesson Plans for Homeschool pages for examples and tips on scheduling.

Be diligent in keeping all of your logs up to date.

The most important school work to show is your child's before and after work--- in other words--- work that shows their progress. Please don't take my word about how to keep portfolios -- Find a Local Group and Ask Questions!


text fileTypeable PDF-READ CAUTION
PDF fileAcrobat PDF
doc or rtfDOC or RTF

On This Page

Portfolio comes in several formats. See the legend above.

type-pdfNote: Typeable PDF's are not broadly compatible. You should save the file to your hard drive before editing. Editing the typeable pdf online is limited.

important informationAdobe READER will (might) not save what you type! The typeable pdf's are meant to be printed. Do not consider using the typeable pdf's as a running document UNLESS you have Adobe Acrobat or you have tested the file to see if it will save your work.

The Files

Homeschool Attendance Records


In the squares write the date of each day that you school.
type-pdfAttendance [*how] Header is typeable
doc or rtfAttendance [doc]
doc or rtfAttendance [rtf]

* text file The typeable pdf files must be used from your hard-drive. That means you should save the typeable file to your computer and type in the file from there. Online editing of the typeable pdf is limited.

Term Planner "Class Schedule"

Use this one in the same way that you would use a quarter planner (term planner). This form is meant for scheduling one subject.class

pdfClass Schedule [1-page, 4-page below]
text fileClass Schedule [*how]
doc or rtfClass Schedule [doc]
doc or rtfClass Schedule [rtf]

Roman Keyed, 4-Pages
pdfClass Schedule
docClass Schedule [doc]
docClass Schedule [rtf]

Alpha Keyed, 4-Pages
pdfClass Schedule
docClass Schedule [doc]
docClass Schedule [rtf]

About Keyed Planners - Keys are useful when connecting a lesson plan to a score on a Keyed Grader.

Alpha Keyed means the column headers contain letters and the row headers contain numbers. A letter and a number can be paired to "map" a block in the planner. For instance, A1 is the first block in the planner. A2 is the first block in the second row. E2 is the last block in the second row.

One Subject Alpha Grader made to go with the Portfolio Planner:
pdfOne Subject Grader - Alpha Keyed


An Alpha Keyed Gradebook: xlsXLS | xlsXLSX
starHow to use the xlsGradebook

Roman Keyed means that roman numerals are used in the column headers and numbers are used at the row headers. Roman keyed graders may be found at Grades and Gradebook.

Course of Study


List your child's courses and the book and materials that your child uses.
pdfCourse of Study
text fileCourse of Study [*how] Every space typeable, read caution below
doc or rtfCourse of Study [doc]
doc or rtfCourse of Study [rtf]

important informationAdobe READER will (might) not save what you type! The typeable pdf's are meant to be printed. Do not consider using the typeable pdf's as a running document UNLESS you have Adobe Acrobat or you have tested the file to see if it will save your work.

Weekly Planner "Weekly Log"


A weekly lesson planner form. List subjects and lessons for one week.

pdfWeekly Log
text fileWeekly Log [*how]
doc or rtfWeekly Log [doc]
doc or rtfWeekly Log [rtf]

Journal Form "Daily Log"


A simple ruled journal, pure simplicity that happens to match the rest of the planner.

The typeable version is blank with three fields for typing - a header, a sub-header, and the body.

pdfDaily Log
doc or rtfDaily Log [doc]
doc or rtfDaily Log [rtf]
text fileTypeable PDF - Blank Journal

Reading Log


Keep track of what your child reads.

pdfReading Log
doc or rtfReading Log [doc]
doc or rtfReading Log [rtf]

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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021

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Donna Young

You are at DonnaYoung.org, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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