Filler Paper - 9mm Rule

The printable filler paper on this page feature a rule height of approximately 9mm. The rule is blue with pink margin lines and the outside margin line is olive.

The names of the files are rather vague, but they are listed alphabetically and, for my purposes, the names are kept short. If any of the images could be called a theme, then most of them are listed together, however; not all of the themes are listed together.
Some scattered themes (not listed alphabetically):
Days of the week - The files are named after the days of the week.
Planets - The files are named after the planets, plus Pluto.
Christmas: ch-tree, Santa, flower-3

Non-Subscribers - File linkes with a gray background require a subscription to YoungMinds. Subscribers, if you see this message, please login.

The Blank and Editable Lined Paper

The 3 files linked at the top are plain and in the case of these files, that means the file has no image and the words "by" and "date" are omitted as well as the line.

pdfPlain | docDocx | docDoc

The Decorated Lined Paper

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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021

About the Images Used in the Files

9mm Filler Paper with ImagesAll of the images used in the files on this page are from Microsoft's online clip art collection. The clip art collection can be accessed from the Microsoft product, in this case, from Word, via the insert menu.

To make the image display on either the right or left hand side of the file, first select the image if it is not already selected. Right-click the selected image and from the menu choose Text wrapping, then select Tight.

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color sonic
An Assignmen on Color

Donna Young

Month on a Page in Household Planners

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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