Housekeeping Files for the Personal Sized Organizer

Newest Files- Directory page for website urls, usernames, and passwords
Check Register

Print on both sides of  your full sized printer paper. Fold in half, cut along the fold and with a hole puncher, punch the binder holes along the CUT edges.

Christmas Card List

fill in the year, mark if send/received

half sized block planner refill by donna young
Do you need a dated half-sized block planner?
See this page Dated Block

Basic Check Register

Each file will yield two pages that are blank on the other side. Print the file on both sides of one sheet of printer paper for 4 pages.

Check Register The check register is in two page orientations -
Vertical Check Register (portrait)
Horizontal Check Register (landscape)


Lists and Notes

The four files shown below are available in flip side versions. This will allow you to have the shopping lists on the front and on the back of a page in your planner so you can take out the whole page or simply cut off the shopping list.

To use the flip side versions, choose a style [there are two]. Print the file on a sheet of paper. Reload the paper and then print its flip-side. It all goes will, the lists will be back to back and can be cut out to take to the grocer.

The Lists and Notes would be ideal printed on the back of the block planners.

Donna Young

weekly ruled household planner

Blank Comic Strips - Draw Your Own Comic Strips!

Beginning Manuscript Handwriting Lessons

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