Homophones - Words with a Similar Sound
The list below provides some common homophones and it is sorted by grade level.
Technically, all or most of these words are heterographs and some are synophones. Heterographs should be mastered because one might choose the wrong word when typing a document (and assuming the software's automated spell checker will not catch the error).
Lower-Mid Grades: ate - eight be - bee bare - bear beach - beech by - buy bin - been blew - blue board - bored capital - capitol cell - sell dear - deer dew - due dye - die for - four fair - fare forth - fourth great - grate herd - heard hole - whole hour - our its - it's know - no led - lead lone - loan made - maid might - mite meet - meat |
mail - male night - knight ore - or - oar one - won pair - pare - pear pail - pale pain - pane piece - peace plane - plain read - reed real - reel right - write road - rode see sea sew - so some - sum son - sun steel - steal their - they're - there to - too - two vain - vein - vane waist - waste week - weak 2which - witch would - wood your - you're
Upper Grades: accent - ascent - assent accept - except advice - advise affect - effect allowed - aloud 3allusion - illusion ask - asked aught - ought baring - barring - bearing berth - birth breath - breathe buy - by capitol - capital cite - sight - site close - cloths - clothes coarse - course complement - compliment conscience - conscious corps - corpse council - counsel - consul decent - descend - descent desert - dessert dual - duel dyeing - dying formally - formerly here - hear holy - wholly |
instants - instance irrelevant - irreverent lessen - lesson loath - loathe loose - lose mine - mind of - off passed - past 1precede - proceed presents - presence principal - principle prophecy - prophesy quite - quiet reverend - reverent right - Wright - write sense - since shone - shown staid - stayed stationary - stationery straight - strait than - then their - they're - their threw - through till - until to - too - two weather - whether whose - who's your - you're |
Synophones, but who's nit-picking
1. The words precede - proceed are not actually homophones if one pronouces the words correctly. Pre in precede has a long e sound while pro in proceed has a schwa sound. These words are technically synophones.
2. The words which - witch are not actually homophones if one pronouces the words correctly. Be certain to pronoun the h sound in which -- hwich. These words are technically synophones.
3. The words allusion - illusion are not actually homophones if one pronouces the words correctly. Allusion begins with a schwa sound of the letter a while illusion begins with the short sound of the letter i. These words are technically synophones.
4. The words formally - formerly are not actually homophones if one pronouces the words correctly. Formally does not contain an r in the second syllable; however, that is not the problem. The word formerly CONTAINS the letter r in the second sylable that one should not neglect when saying the word.
Related Table
This table is from the wikipedia Homonym entry that is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonym
Term | Meaning | Spelling | Pronunciation |
Homonym | Different | Same | Same |
Homograph | Different | Same | Same or different |
Homophone | Different | Same or different | Same |
Heteronym | Different | Same | Different |
Heterograph | Different | Different | Same |
Polyseme | Different but related | Same | Same or different |
Capitonym | Different when capitalized |
Same except for capitalization |
Same or different |
Synonym | Same | Different | Different |
Synophone | Different | Different | Similar but not identical |
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