Spelling Bee

I made this file because my two children had spelling bees and they seemed to enjoy them. That was long ago and I do not remember exactly how we did it, but I do remember that they stood together in the foyer and that made it almost like a stage. We didn't have certificates or awards, but today I made a spelling bee set that you can use for your children.

The set has two files - the Spelling Bee Winner and the Spelling Bee Champion. The Champion file is the year-end award for the child who won the most spelling bees. The Winner file has four certificates per page that you would sign, date, and hand to the winner of each spelling bee.

Spelling Bee Winner

winnerSpelling Bee Winner Certificates
PDF file - print, cut out, and use as needed

Spelling Bee Champion

Spelling Bee Champion

The Champion for the School Year
PDF - Write, by hand, name, year, and signature on the blank lines
Typeable PDF - Type Name and Year before printing.

I made the files in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat. The images used in the file came from Microsoft's Clipart collection - search term bee. The Microsoft Word formats are included on the current  YoungMinds Website/CD-Rom

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May 13, 2021

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