An Undated, Dated Calendar

This calendar is educational in a way. It is a monthly calendar and it has no numbers, however; it is dated.

Blank Dated Calendar

The Files - Contains all 12 Months - 1 Month per Page

An Undated, Dated Calendar


Each month will have the right amount of date blocks in the proper places. The child should write the dates in the correct block, basically beginning with number one in the first block and writing numbers in sequence, across then down, until the blocks are filled.

The child could also write the month and year, which is already noted on each month in the lower right corner, and draw a seasonal picture on each month. Optionally, holidays could be noted. This calendar can potentially (depending on child's age) add to skills and knowledge in language arts, math, social studies, and drawing.

If you need holiday dates, go to this page, Data for Blank Calendars.

One of the Months Filled in with Dates and Decorated

By yours truly, click on the image to see the upper left top corner at a larger size (352KB) -- Donna Young

the calendar filled in and decorated

About the Calendars
Donna Young

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