Printable Calendars offers many styles of printable calendars and organizers. Most of the calendar files are PDF (Portable Document Format) and usually open in your browser, sometimes in adobe reader.

When are the Calendars Updated?

The calendars at are automatically updated each year on July 1st. A few calendar links are manually updated later in the year.

List of Calendars that are Manually Updated:

What Years are Available?

The years that I generally make available for some of my calendars are:

  • Basic Subscribers have access to 3 years, two of which are previous years until the calendars are updated on July 1st. Exceptions apply to the "One Year at a Time" calendars.
  • YoungMinds Subscribers have access to 5 years, two of which are previous years until the calendars are updated on July 1st. Exceptions apply to the "One Year at a Time" calendars.

The information below is not yet finalized and subject to change - Donna Young, 8/17/2015
One Year at a Time:
The rest of the calendars are available one year at a time and on July 1st, this year's calendar will be replaced with next year's calendar. You'll know these calendars by the glaring fact that only one year is available for download. Exception to this: YoungMinds subscribers will have access to two years, but not necessarily 2 years into the future. On July 1st, the current year does not go away when next year's calendar is added.

Regarding the Half-Sized Household Dated Block Planner: I make next year's calendar when I remember to make it or after someone writes me to remind me to make it.

Printing Troubles

If the calendar is not printing as it should, for instance -

  1. It's ugly, the colors are hideous
  2. Letters or numbers are blurry
  3. Some lines do not print
  4. It runs off the margin, or the margins are just really bad

I test print every calendar that I make available on I'm a bit picky and if the calendar does not print well for me, then I work on it until it does. When the calendar doesn't print well for YOU, please download the calendar file and print it from your hard drive. This "fixes" the problem because when attempting to print from the website, you are printing from your browser and browsers might (temporarily) have mediocre PDF support. When you print from your hard drive, you are very likely printing from Adobe Reader which has excellent PDF support.

Donna Young

Donna Young

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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