2-Page Block Calendar

This Printable calendar has two pages per month, large blocks, and a clean layout.

The 2-page spread features the following-

  • Blocks measure approximately 1.5" tall by 1.76" wide
  • Clean layout and no colors
  • Ruled column on the right
  • A cover sheet to make duplex printing easier
  • Each month includes two small calendars of the previous and next months

2-Page Block Calendar at donnayoung.org - calendars

Donna Young

Files - Dated Block Calendar

This calendar will be available on a year by year basis. The following year should appear on this page each August. If the next year's calendar does not appear here, please let me know.

2-Page Block Calendar at donnayoung.org - calendars

pdf file2024

pdf file2023

The file includes 25 pages - a cover sheet and all 12 months of the featured year. See printing suggestions below.

Matching Lined Paper

Matching Lined Paperpdf fileFully Lined

This lined paper and the other papers on this page have a rule height of approximately 1/4 inch (6.5mm)

The lines are black and the first line is a heavy line.


*Print "2 Columns A-Flipped" on the other side of "2 Columns A" if you want the wide and narrow columns to align so that when turning pages, the columns are in the same position. Additionally, this allows the narrow column to be cut off and used as a shopping list.

Printing the Calendar

Because the calendar is a two-page spread and because the 25 pages in the file should be printed back to back, there are printing considerations. Before I go into methods, let's talk about paper. Print on the paper of your choice [decorated or plain] and please use paper that is 28lb or 32lb or paper that you have found good for back to back printing.

Duplex Setting, Double-Sided:

If your printer has a duplex or double-sided setting, use it to print the entire year - all 25 pages - do not omit the cover sheet. This uses 13 pieces of printer paper. I recommend using 28lb or thicker paper.

Manual Back to Back Printing:

First—Do not print the same month back to back on one sheet of paper. Each month requires two sheets of paper. Page one of the following month can be printed on the back of page two of the previous month. Back to back printing is okay as long as the paper is thick enough. 32lb. paper is thick enough; 28lb might be; 20lb isn't and 24lb probably isn't.

No Back to Back Months:

If you want ruled or blank paper between the months, then print each month on 2 pieces of printer paper. If you want to have ruled paper or something else printed behind the months, browse my numerous lined paper files or use the matching ruled paper that is linked above.

After Printing

Place the printed pages in a binder or bind the pages in another way and use it. If you found the calendar useful, come back to this page in 12 months or in August and print next year's calendar. This calendar will be available on a year-by-year basis.

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Donna Young

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