Comparison Boxes
The Printable Comparison Boxes
Gray Line Comparison Boxes
Black Line Comparison Boxes
Print on paper that is heavy enough for the paint you are using. We used 32lb. paper for liquid paint.
To use the exact paper that you prefer, draw the boxes on the paper.
Juxtaposing Colors
- Supplies
- quality mixable paint in the colors: red, blue, and yellow paint
- brushes
- paint mixing trays or small cups
- water
- paper towels
For Complementary Colors: How to use Comparison Boxes
1. Choose a color, such as red, and paint the two
2. Next paint one outer box the *complementary color.
3. Paint the other box the *split complementary.
*Terms defined at Exploring Color Theory
Examples of Comparison Boxes
Example One - Red
In the first example, red is in the inner squares.
- Red's split complement, yellow-green is painted in the first outer square.
- Red's complement, green, is painted in the second outer square.
The other 3 examples are labeled.
Compare the brightness of red when surrounded by it complement green and when red is surrounded by its split complement, yellow-green.
Example Two - Blue - a look at van Gogh's Irises
Based on the samples from my images, which could be off, the color scheme is close to being a split complementary color scheme.
Example Three - Blue - a look at van Gogh's Noon: Rest from work
Based on the color samples from images, the dark blue sky in the upper part of the paint is complementary, yet the lighter part of the sky, which is more prevalent in the painting, is closer to a split-complementary color scheme.
Assignment Suggestions
Select 3 color combinations from the ones listed here and over the course of 3 days or more, mix paint colors based on your choices and paint the comparison boxes that you've either printed from this page or drawn.
Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure color are applied in patterns to form an image.
Pointillism - Experiment with this technique, not necessarily on an entire painting, but on small samples [6"x6" or smaller] for the purpose of learning the effects of placing dots of certain colors next to each other. The preferred medium for pointillism is oils because it is less likely to run and bleed with adjacent dots.