Comparing DY's Manuscript Handwriting Lessons

the printable

Compare the Letter and Rule Height of Donna Young's Handwriting Worksheets

See the image linked above for a visual comparison. The sizes are listed again with the handwriting set links listed below.

New sets that are not included in the illustration above will be pictured below.
The first new set is the ZB set - a set of over 500 worksheets.

zb handwriting set
Pictured above - ZB Style - Printable Handwriting Worksheets

the printableReadiness

Rule: 1 3/4"
Pages: 25

Readiness is a set that allows children to practice drawing the basic shapes of letters and in the direction that they should be drawn.

the printableK-1 Large Letters

Set 1 Rule: 1 3/4"
Sets 2 & 3 Rule: 1 3/8"
Pages: 64

The handwriting printables offered in Large Letters have arrows and each letter is presented in both capital and lower case on the same printable. The letters and numbers are large and the page is printed horizontally.

k-1 wordsK-1 Words

Rule: 1 3/4"
Pages: 40

During 2002, I had a wild idea to place large and small words on the same worksheet. Each lesson in the Words set has a picture and words in large and small letters.

Targeted TeachingTargeted

Rule: 1 1/2"
Pages: 25

The lessons in Targeted Teaching Manuscript teach writing in bits and then put it all together. Use as a follow-up to readiness or as a refresher for those children who have forgotten or those who have trouble.

133 manuscript handwriting lessons133 Manuscript Handwriting Lessons for Beginners

Rule: 1 1/8"
Pages: 133

Enough worksheets for a full school year, this set is coordinated with the book, "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons." The book is not required to use the handwriting lessons.

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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021


Rule: 1"
Pages: *5

Shapes offers the 5 basic shapes that a kindergartener learns. A "Draw and Write" Blank is also provided.
*There are 5 worksheets in each of two different letter styles.

1-2 Medium ManuscriptMedium Letters

Rule: 3/4"
Pages: 19

Just more handwriting lessons. The Medium Letters set has medium sized letters and the pace is fast.

small letters handwritingSmall-Print Manuscript Handwriting Lessons

Rule: 5/16"
Pages: *

Just more handwriting lessons. The Medium Letters set has medium sized letters and the pace is fast.

*The Small Print web site has manuscript handwriting worksheets in two different letter styles. Each style has a various number of worksheets.

ZB Style - Printable Handwriting Worksheets

Rule: just over 1/2" or 14 mm
Pages: Over 500
Animations - Complete Set

handwriting animations

zb style lettersDon't miss the large manuscript handwriting set that is in "By Style." The set there have over 500 printable files and each file has two lessons. I made this set while I was cooped up in one room while our home was being repaired. The set also includes manuscript handwriting animations. This time I made capital letter animations as well as the usual animations for the lowercase letters. This very large set is made with letters that resemble the Zaner-Bloser style of penmanship. The homepage for the set is at: ZB Style - Printable Handwriting Worksheets and the homepage for the animations is at: Donna Young's Manuscript Handwriting Animations.

Updated July 14, 2011, Donna Young

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