Sans-List Block Calendars
This page is about the list and it is brief because there isn't much to say. This is merely a way of getting your typed list printed on the Sans-List Block Calendar.
Sans-List Template and Using It
Block Template - DOC
Open the template in your word processor. [The template was made with Microsoft Word 2002.]
The image shown here highlights where you should not type. Note that an image can go anywhere as long as it is faded. Click on the image to see a larger version.
The Table Properties
The image above shows the table properties. The table is right-aligned and 1.97 inches wide. The properties allow it to print in the right location on page two of the sans-list block planner.
Alter the table, its appearance and what it in the table to suit you.
To alter the color and appearance of the table, right-click the table and choose Borders and Shading