Greek Prefixes


Prefix Meaning Examples
a,an lacking, not, without atypical, anonymous, anarchy, apathy
ana up, back, again anachronism, anagram, analogy
anti against, opposing antithesis, antisocial, antiseptic
arch, archi chief, first architect, archetype, archbishop
dia across, apart, through, between diagnose, dialogue, diameter
en, em in, among, within enliven, empathy
epi on, outside, over, outer epidermis, epitaph, epilogue
eu good, well euphony, euphemism, eulogy
hetero other heterogeneous, heterodox
homo same homogeneous, homonym, homograph
hyper excessive, over hyperactive, hyperbole, hypercritical
hyp, hypo under, beneath hypodermic, hypotenuse, hypocrite
in, il, im, ir in(to), within, not, opposing inspire, imprint, irradiate, infamy, inefficient, illegal
macr, macro long, large, prominent macrocosm, macrobiotic
meta, met change of, over, beyond metaphor, metabolism, metaphysics
micro small microfilm, microscope, microbe
neo new, latest of a period neon, neologism, neophyte, neocene, Neo-Hebraic
orth straight, right orthodonture, orthopedics, orthodox
para, par beside, beyond, variation paradox, paraphrase, parenthesis
pro before, forward program, produce, provision, progress
proto first proton, protozoa, prototype
syn, sym, syl, sys together synthesize, symphony, synchronize
tele far, distant telegraph, telepathy, telescope
thermo heat thermometer, thermonuclear
topo place topography
zoo living zoology

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