Common Vocabulary Words for Grades 4-6

869 Vocabulary Words for Grades 4-6

That is a lot of words. Pick and choose from them or use all of them. If you do the math: Let us say that you assign vocabulary 34 weeks out of the school year. That is 34 weeks x 3 years = 102 weeks. That is only 8.5 words a week, so that is not such a large amount of words after all is it?

The 869 Vocabulary Words

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I am offering the words in a Microsoft Word document. It is 4 pages long and the words are arranged in columns. Save the file and use as needed for your students.

doc file869 Vocabulary Words for Grades 4-6
869 vocabulary words for grades 4-6

pdf filePDF - 869-voc-words-4-6.pdf and the text: txt file869-words-4-6.txt

Just a note to say that the words are not listed in a grade-related format, they are listed alphabetically.

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