How to Contact Donna Young

Members with an active subscription may contact Donna via email at (Log in to see email address).

If you have subscribed and cannot log in, please look for the email that I sent to you when you subscribed. The email address listed can be used to contact me. Please start a new email instead of replying to the old email.

Members' Commonly Asked Questions

Files Printing Ugly? See This

Please find below a list of commonly asked questions and some details about the questions.

  1. Questions about a File - If you have a question about one of my files, Please provide details and the URL (web address) of the file or the page. If you do not provide this information, I cannot help you.
  2. If you cannot find a file that you used in the past and you've looked for it, then ask me where it is; but please send to me a full description of the file. Also consider the possibility that the file did not come from my website in the first place.
  3. If this website is down for longer than one hour and your internet is working, then feel free to let me know. I do not always notice that the website is down. Obviously if the site is down you will not be able to see this, but I hope you will remember to let me know.
  4. If my files are not printing correctly or in an ugly-looking way please see this page in frequently asked questions.
Welcome to!

Calendar SW utilizes the margins for Saturday and Sunday in order to increase the width of the blocks for Monday through Friday.
Calendar SW

Donna Young

calendars for the 1/2 sized planner

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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