Lesson Plans from a Guide or Tools

Natural Speller and other books by Kathryn Stout provide us with tools for making and teaching lessons. We are empowered with and sometimes overwhelmed with the freedom of customizing our children's lessons. Below is an illustration of a general way to harness the material that is provided in Natural Speller so that you can present the material thoroughly.

Related at donnayoung.org: What is Natural Speller? Book Review Archives: Natural Speller


The information on this page demonstrates only one way to make lesson plans for spelling. Certainly their are more ways and many ways that are more simple than this one.

The main resource is Natural Speller. Other resources are listed in the Reference Materials Column. The forms used to make these plans are the goals forms, a quarter or semester planner and finally a weekly planner. I suggest that you use your word processor to make the spelling plan. To do that, make a table that is 6 columns wide and add rows as you need them or use 6 columns of a spread sheet program. See the spelling plan to see what the table looks like.

The Steps

1. The first thing to do is to find out what activities should be done. Natural Speller supplies this information.
2. Divide the activities into 5 groups.
3. Give the individual activities reference numbers.
4. Copy all the lists that you will need and place them in your planner book.
5. Assign one of the 5 groups of activities to one of the days of the week see example
6. Choose which word lists that you will use for each week. If you have more than one child using the program, try to coordinate the patterns which they have in common. Example: All of your children study the 'tion' words on the same week.
7. Make the daily schedule

Spelling Planner (an example)

Name: Holly Year: 2000-01 Event: Spelling
Activity List
(these are the chosen activities split into 5 groups)
Reference Materials

Group 1

1. Prefixes: Learn the meaning of and use of the following prefixes: un, in, re, pro, pre, im, dis, a, an (Greek) a, be, bon, post, ultra, tele, micro

See Handy list

2. Review and continue to study all plural forms and rules.

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Peterson's SAT Success
Natural Speller

Natural Speller

Group 2

3. Practice using the following endings and spelling rules that apply and learn how the endings affect the words part of speech:

adverb: ly, ily verb: en, ise, ize, ify, ate, ish

adjective: able, al, ful, ible, ive, ous, ious

noun: ar, er, or, ance, ence, ist, ian, ion, sion, tion, ation, ment, y, ity, ty

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Natural Speller
Group 3 4. Review and continue to practice basic dictionary skills: entry word, guide words, phonetic respelling, synonyms, antonyms, and etymology. Very Good Dictionary


Group 4

5. Write spelling words in syllables. Use the pronunciation key. Review the different parts of speech in terms of the different definitions for the same word.

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Very Good Dictionary


Petersons SAT Success (root words)
Group 5

Review and continue to study:
6 capitalization

7 punctuation

8 abbreviations

9 homophones

10 contractions

11 personal letters

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Easy Grammar level one (or other capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviation source) for #s 6, 7, and 8

Natural Speller for #s 9, 10, and 11

Dictation for #s 6, 7, and 11

Comments to You:

On the goal planner above, I have listed what I will incorporate into Hollys spelling this coming year. I have given the activities reference numbers for the sake of simplicity. I will use the reference numbers to make a basic spelling activities plan.

  • day 1: do activity 5
  • day 2: choose from activities 1 and 2
  • day 3: activity 3
  • day 4: activity 4
  • day 5: choose from activities 6-11

Handy list:

Prefixes to be learned this year:

a (AS)(Angelo-Saxon)

on, in, up, of, to

aboard, astride, asleep

a, an (Gr) (Greek)

lacking, not, without

anarchy, atypical, anonymous

be (AS)

to make (intensive)

bemuse, beset, besiege

bon (L)(Latin)


bonus, bona fide

dis, dif, di (L)

away, down, off, opposing, apart

digress, distrust, differ, disagree

in, im (Gr)


impossible, inefficient

il, ir (Gr)


illiterate, illegal, irradiant


in, on, into, toward


post (L)

after, behind, following

postpone, postscript

pre (L)


prepare, prevent

pro (Gr)

before, forward

program, produce,

pro (L)

forward, forth, favoring

proceeds, profess

re (L)

again, and backward, back

retract, reappear

micro (Gr)


microfilm, microbe, microscope

tele (Gr)

far, distant

telegraph, telescope

ultra (L)

beyond, excessive


Note to you: The master plan below is not complete, there is just enough listed for you to get an idea of how to make the master plan. In the master plan decide which spelling list to cover each week. Look over the words and decide which activities best suit those words. The upper yellow bar shows the basic daily work.

Master Spelling Plan

Holly 2000-01 5th / 6th grade level back to lesson plans

Use spelling words in all activities if possible. Use this section of the page to develop  more detailed weekly plans. back to top

Day 1

Test, study missed words, do activity 5

Day 2

Write missed words 5 times

Choose from activities 1 and 2

Day 3

Choose from activity 3

Make up sentences

Day 4

Choose from activity 4

Have a practice oral or written test.

Day 5

Test and choose from activities 6 - 11

The Lists to use

Activities day 2

Activities day 3

Activities day 4

Tentative schedule:

wk 1

5th ant

restaurant, elephant, important, merchant, currant, vacant, pleasant

add prefixes to some of the words: unpleasant

add suffixes to some of the words and tell the part of speech of that word: vacancy, merchandise

Look up the words in the dictionary, read the definition and write a synonym and an antonym for each of the words: important - significant - trivial

homonyms: currant current and others.

review contractions: youre, hell, shell, thatll, theyve, weve, youve

wk 2

5th un




continue to review contractions and homonyms as needed


5th ous

wk 4

5th final o

wk 5

5th able

began study of common abbreviations, continue studying homonyms

wk 6

5th in

wk 7

6th ue

wk 8

6th ad

review calendar words and continue with common abbreviations

wk 9

6th dis

wk 10

6th ous


6th en

review capitalization rules


6th one vowel


6th et


6th kn


6th on


6th ary


6th sub / ch


6th final y


6th or


6th de


6th al


6th in


6th im


6th ex


6th ion


6th compound word


6th ory


6th mn / ate


6th ish / un


6th vowel-y

Use the master plan to produce weekly plans as shown below.

Lesson Plans back to top

Week of: August 2000


spelling plan





word list: ant


Study missed words. Write the words in syllables.





write missed words 5 times

add prefixes to some of the words and write the plural form of all the words





Add suffixes to pleasant, merchant, vacant, and important. Tell part of speech that word is before and after the suffix is added. Make a sentence from each word before and after the suffix is added.





Oral or written practice test, review study techniques.

Look up the words in the dictionary, read the definition and write a synonym and an antonym for each of the words.





see spelling plan




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Donna Young

13-v Calendar

color sonic

practice your cursive

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