Nature Journal- The Tabs

One day a long time ago, I sat down and put together the organization of the children's nature journals, Before this we used little booklets or loose paper.

Here is the organization of the journal. The main categories will be bold and the subcategories will be italic.


  • >Gear (store specialty pages that are made to hold specimens)
  • >Writings (for poems, Bible verses, other works not by the child)
  • >Animal Kingdom | Glossary
  • >Trees | Specimen | Observation
  • >The Great Garden | My Garden | Flowers | Wild Places | Reference
  • >Skywatching | Weather | Bird Watching (bird feeder pages) | Nightsky (stars and planets)
  • >Journal (Poems, notes, etc. by the child)
  • >Sketching (Place heavy paper here that is to be used by the child for drawings. The drawings may be later placed in the proper category.)

The Nightsky Divider  nightsky tab

To add a bit of flair to the nightsky divider I made it from black construction paper and painted stars with white-out.

how to pageNature Journal Tabs - How to Make the Dividers

Page from Writings Category

Click image for larger image
Holly copied Genesis 8:22

For this category, I printed lines on speckled paper.

Page from Skywatching Category

Click image for larger image
Holly wrote about Canis Major

NEXT: Nature Journal Specimen Page

Donna Young
September 29th, 2008


Choose categories and subcategories based on your location and the types of natural areas that you will visit. For instance, if you live near a lake or an ocean and can visit, add a category in the book for that.

In this nature journal, I placed Trees in its own category because I anticipated that we would study trees quite a bit over the years.

Bird Watching could have been placed in Animal Kingdom instead of Skywatching.

Every item is not subcategorized. For instance, just behind the Skywatching divider, I placed Measuring the Seasons pages and there is no subcategory tab for those pages. (The shadow chart)

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