Printable Journal Pages

The printable journal files on this page have titles in the header of the pages. They are sorted below and most have an accompanying image. A couple of the journals are available in doc and rtf and you may change the title to suit you in those. See also the Related Links on the right.

High School Years - Garamond


This journal is from the Garamond collection and is also linked in High School Planner. The journal has am empty square at the upper right hand side. That empty square can be used for a picture, drawing, quote, etc. I have included the doc and rtf files. With those files, the header and other parts of the journal form may be altered.

pdfHigh School Years

Daily Log - Portfolio Planner


From the Portfolio Planner.
A simple ruled journal, pure simplicity that happens to match the rest of the planner. Incidentally, the font used in the Portfolio set is the same as the font used in the Garamond planner set.

pdfDaily Log - Portfolio Planner

Daily Log - Papyrus Planner


This daily log from the papyrus planner is just like the daily log from the portfolio planner except for the font face used.

pdfDaily Log from the Papyrus Planner

Journal - Papyrus Planner


pdfJournal from the Papyrus Planner

Daily Journal - Papyrus Planner


pdf Daily Journal with List from the Papyrus Planner

Homeschool Journal

pdf fileEdwardian Journal
Divided into 5 rows with a list to one side. [more like a planner than a journal]

Homeschooling Journal - Marble


Homeschooling Journal is from the small but pretty Marble collection. I made the marble collection many years ago. It was one of my more creative planner styles.

pdf fileHomeschooling Journal - Marble Planner

Homeschooling Journal


This journal if very old, it's one of my first journal forms. It matches no other planner files at

pdf fileHomeschooling Journal

Hello Visitor!

I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021

Donna Young

Light Blue Calendars

Child's First Color Wheel

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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