The Basic High School Transcript
This page offers a simple transcript file to get you started. My basic transcript is just that - basic. You might prefer to design your own. If you do, be sure to include these items.
List of Items to Include on the Transcript
Name of student, homeschool name, address, and phone number.
List courses -by year- such as English 1, Algebra, Biology, etc..
Dual enrollment/honors [if applicable]
Grades (either letter or numeric) List semester grades and end of year totals
GPA [grade point average]
Credits, list per semester and cumulative
Grade Scale
PSAT/SAT scores and/or ACT scores as well as any state proficiency exams [if any]
Graduation date
Parent signature and dated
In addition to the basic grades and credits, the transcript can also include these items.
Course descriptions
Extracurricular activities
Areas of your child's interests and where that he led him - accomplishments, awards, leadership, travel
Making the Transcript
Start a transcript when your child is in the 9th grade and be certain to keep a back-up copy. At the end of each year update the transcript and print a hard copy for your files. Make a back-up copy of the file as well. Keep on top of extracurricular activities and achievements.
Starting in high school, you will use course titles. Gone are the terms spelling, vocabulary, and science. Now you must use course titles such as English I, Biology, Algebra, Economics, and so forth.
Transcript Sample Files
High School Transcript
The web page linked above is an example if a basic transcript. Open your word processor and design a file after it. Your file does not have to match my sample. The transcript must be typed.
DOC and RTF version of sample transcript DOC | RTF
Replace the content with your student's information. Alter the table structure as needed.
Donated Transcripts
Maine High School Transcript donated by the Oakes Family DOC | RTF
Transcript donated by Brzowski family DOC |
- Grades and Attendance G&A XLS Files
- K-12 Transcript
- XLS GPA Calculator
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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021