The High School V Planner
High School V Planner News - The High School V Planner is ready for use. The planner may be downloaded from the members area labeled that is labeled "V Planner." I encourage all V Planner users to subscribe to the V Planner Newsletter. That may be done via your Member's home page.
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The main difference between the V Planner and the High School V Planner is this:
V Planner is a homeschool planner that supports up to four children for one year.
High School V Planner is a homeschool planner that supports one child for four years and it keep a few extra records that are suitable for high school record keeping.
The High School V Planner is a spreadsheet file and to use it you must have on your computer a program that is compatible with XLS or XLSX files. As far as I know, Microsoft Excel is the only software program that is fully compatible with High School V Planner files. Seriously the V Planner will probably not work with other programs, so if you do not have the full version, not a trial version and not a free version, of Microsoft Excel, then do not expect to be able to use the High School V Planner.
What the High School V Planner Does/Includes
High School V Planner is based on V Planner, so it does many of the same things
- Sends lesson plans to the lesson planners with two different methods - by date or by exact lesson plan
- Keeps a record of the time spent with extracurricular activities
- Keeps a record of notable awards
- Supports class locations - up to 8 different class locations may be entered - these locations will be displayed on the transcripts
- Records and calculates class scores and returns a letter grade based on your choice of grade scale and quality point scale
- Includes 3 edit-able grade scales
- Supports up to four weight values per term
- Supports an additional two weight values that are calculated against the term average
- Supports semester scores that are calculated against the semester average
- Supports a year-end score that is calculated against all other scores
- Supports up to 12 instances of pre-high school credits
- Supports records for up to 6 classes that do not require lesson plans
- Supports lesson planning for these different scenarios-
- 10 Full-Year Classes
- 6 Full-Year Classes and 8 different semester classes- 4 taken during the 1st semester and 4 taken during the 2nd semester
- 7 Full-Year Classes and 6 different semester classes- 3 taken during the 1st semester and 3 taken during the 2nd semester
- 8 Full-Year Classes and 4 different semester classes- 2 taken during the 1st semester and 2 taken during the 2nd semester
- 9 Full-Year classes and 2 different semester classes- 1 taken during the 1st semester and 1 taken during the 2nd semester
- Includes several lesson planners, some are printable, some are not in these styles/functions
- Block Planners - supports plans for 6 days a week - Block1,2,3,&4; AU, AUB
- List Planners - supports plans for 6 days a week - List1,2,3,&4
- Daily Planners - Daily1,2,3,&4; AUD
- Column 3 Planner (AUC3) - useful if using column 3 for teacher's plans
- "Char" planners - C1,2,3,&4
- Includes a school calendar for each of the four years of high school on which school dates are selected and attendance is counted
- Includes a 4-year personal calendar with five columns - 3 for the parent and 2 for the student -The student's calendar items appear on the lesson planners and the parent's calendar items appear on the worksheets, Today and 7-Day.
- Includes 4 one-year transcripts and 2 four-year transcripts.
- Includes a high school plan worksheet "gizmo" that is not related to setting up classes
The Plan worksheet is related to high school requirements and if they are being met. The Plan worksheet requires the use of subject categories.
- Includes a worksheet where class descriptions may be entered
This worksheet requires the use of subject categories. A companion worksheet that provides a printable version of class categories is included.
- The Today worksheet provides you with information -
- Whether or not school is scheduled
- Displays lesson plans (based on dates) for 3 days
- The current scores
- Your personal calendar items for today, tomorrow and a week from today
- Your sticky note, your notes to yourself, and random items
- Your student's calendar items for 3 days
- Includes a worksheet named Table that displays information about every class; additionally a category may be selected to display information about all of the classes in that category
- Includes a worksheet named PerYear that will display class information per selected school year
- Includes a worksheet from the Grade Calculators that will return a score from points and weighted points
- Includes the Homeschool XLS Term Dates Calculator to help you with term dates
Screenshots of the V Planner and High School V Planner
File Sizes in Screenshots - Many of the images will be over 100KB. All of the images add up to about 4 MB of data.
Legalese that content creators should include with their work.
Terms of Agreement
I really hope that you find the V Planners useful but I also hope that you do not take advantage of me by giving out the files. The V Planners are only available from me to current YoungMinds subscribers and CD-ROM customers.
Usage of V Planner files
You may use the file as it is intended to be used, which is to maintain homeschool records and to manage lesson plans.
If you have access to the V Planner - I know it's a nice file, but please do not give out or send the file to others and please do not upload it anywhere that others can access the file. You may not copy any parts of the file and use them in another file for upload or sharing. You may not make derivative work or files from the V Planner files.
You May (and should) make backup copies of the file. I strongly recommend that you save a copy of the file to either a usb stick or an external hard drive at least once a week.
The file is "as is." I make no warranties whatsoever regarding the file, it's quality, it's accuracy [although I do try very hard in those two areas ], and I cannot guarantee that you can open and use the file. The V Planner is part of the large file collection that is on YoungMinds CD-ROM. The V Planner is an XLS or XLSX file and requires that you have Microsoft Excel on your computer in order to open and use the file. I do not provide the spreadsheet software.
The V Planners are available via a subscription to YoungMinds. In addition to the V Planners, YoungMinds offers a few other features not available on If you decide to subscribe, you'll have a version of with more content that includes the V Planners. The log-in to the membership area is linked at the top of almost every page at at this link - Members
Donna Young
March 2014